Tiny Living and Money Matters
How to Open a Fun Savers Club Account at Metrobank
I sent my 9-year old off to Metrobank to open a Fun Savers Club bank account last July 17. He was accompanied by his dad. He recently bagged a project as a voice…
10 Practical ways to save money you may have overlooked
What works for you when you budget your finances? For us, the most effective strategy to date is the envelope method. The envelope method is when you mark envelopes with your expenses (e.g.…
Writing Content that Hits the Mark
I had a conversation with a friend recently about giving some tips to fellow bloggers on how to write content that hits the mark; more specifically, to help other bloggers create competitive content…
Taking Time Out!
It’s been pretty quiet in my blog email the past two weeks. The invitations to events have dwindled from less to zero, and sponsored posts have stopped coming. As a blogger, I know…
Money Matters: The working child and his savings account
We recently helped our eldest son Pablo open a BDO Junior Savers account. It’s been a plan for him to open a bank account and a Mutual Fund for him since we started…