Food & Easy Recipes

Easy Recipe: Quick-to-prepare Fried pork with broccoli and peas

So yesterday, I served my kids sausages and wheat bread for breakfast and gave in to their request of oatmeal and bananas for lunch.

For dinner, though, I got up my lazy bum and decided to do one of my quick-to-prepare meals: Fried pork with broccoli and peas!
I actually have several other variations of this dish, sometimes, I even mix in the rice to make it more like the traditional Filipino fried rice, but for this one, here’s what you need:


1/2 kilo Pork strips or menudo cut, marinaded
Broccoli, cut into small pieces
Chinese sweet peas, ends taken out
1 medium onion (any kind, though I prefer white)
Celery, chopped
6 cloves of garlic, minced
Coconut oil (because health buffs told me this is the safest and healthiest cooking oil to use)
Boiled eggs (Optional)

How to prepare:

1. Heat oil in pan, saute the garlic until browned. Take out from the pan, drain and set aside.
2. Fry the pork on the same oil.
3. When pork is cooked, mix in onions, celery, sweet peas and broccoli.
4. Stir until the vegetables are cooked.
5. Put on top of steamed brown rice.
6. Sprinkle with the browned garlic.
7. Serve.

It’s really just that easy. Β My favorite variation is the one with chopped cabbage. Diced carrots are great for both taste and color, too, but I always include celery. There should always be celery.

When you’ve got a lot on your plate, and you don’t have that much time to whip up a more sophisticated dish, this one’s a great lifesaver.

For dessert, we had Choco Chip Banana Muffin by Bebeng’s Kitchen.

IMG_3429What a perfect way to cap a simple dinner!

The Fried pork with broccoli and peas meal is definitely no-fuss and can be quite yummy. I’ve had friends over whom I served this and they ended up eating more than they have planned.

For the marinade, it’s really up to you. I like Calamansi and soy sauce but when I’ve got deadlines sky-high and have no time to slice pieces of Calamansi, I just use Teriyaki sauce.

Why don’t you give it a try? It’s a dish open to suggestions, so if you’ve got a variation in mind, let me know. I’ll be glad to give it a go!


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