“I run because I can, I run for those who can’t,” Ferdie Cabiling, The Running Pastor
Sometimes the term “Pastor” can be sidetracking, which is probably why a running pastor would be something of a new,perhaps even strange, concept to many people. But the truth is that many men who have dedicated their lives in spreading the gospel and serving the church have more skills than just preparing a sermon and delivering it.
Such men who use these skills to serve more and to inspire and encourage others. Such men like Ferdie Cabiling who began his Run 50 journey at 3 A.M. today, September 5.
“His legs are worth millions,” says Tito Salazar of Ferdie Cabiling in an interview with news site, Rappler. Tito Salazar had been been Ferdie Cabiling’s running coach for three years, and had been his coach as he conquered the 160K Bataan Death March Run in 2012.
Cabiling’s first marathon was the Run for Pasig River Marathon in 2009. He had then participated in an impressive list of long-distance marathons that include the 65K Western Pangasinan Ultra Road Race in August 2011 and the 60K Fort Magsaysay to Dinangalan run in July 2011. He had been participating in the Bataan Death March run three years in a row.
For Run 50, Ferdie Cabiling will be running across the Philippines, running 50K a day for 44 days. He will also be turning 50 during the course of his personal Ultra-Marathon.
Run 50 is for the benefit of Real Life Foundation, a Christian non-profit organization that provides support to underprivileged Filipinos who do not have access to education, and lends a hand in transforming their communities through community service.
Ferdie Cabiling’s Run 50 is raising Php 1,000 for every kilometer he covers.
I personally know someone who completed her education through the assistance of Real Life Foundation. She now works for one of the most established tech companies based in the U.S.. But more so, she serves with us as a volunteer in the Kids Music Team in Victory Fort, teaching and training musicians and singers, and raising leaders alongside her husband, on a vision of God-fearing nations.
For its entirety, Ferdie Cabiling is doing Run 50 for these 7 reasons:
1. For health.
2. For the scholars of Real Life Foundation.
3. For peace of the city – by intercession, prayer and gospel proclamation for those in authority. He will do courtesy calls to the city halls of the cities and towns he will pass through.
4. For evangelical Christians. He will be preaching on Sundays at the Victory churches and Bible-believing churches along the course of Run 50.
5. For the nation. For the OFW’s. For God’s grand plan for us.
6. For those who can’t. There are many people who do not have the ability to walk or run, including his son who was born with a condition, Sturgeon-Weber syndrome, which rendered him dragging his right leg every time he tries to get up on his feet and walk. He serves as Ferdie Cabiling’s inspiration for his runs.
7. As a believer of Christ.
” I believe God made me for a purpose and He also made me fast. When I run, I feel His pleasure”- Eric Lidell, Chariots of Fire.
(This campaign has been completed and archived. For those who want to donate to Real Life Foundation, you may visit their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/reallifeph )
Elizabeth O.
Running with a purpose or for a cause is always awesome. He should be proud of himself, kudos to him!
Aurika Matias
Everyone should be conscious with their health. Good job for this pastor!
aaronica (the crunchy mommy)
i love this… i used to be a big runner too and i ran because others couldn’t… this was one of the big driving things for me. i love doing runs that are for a purpose–feeding homeless, awareness of big issues, etc.
Karla | karlaroundtheworld
Nowadays, a lot of people seem to be into running. This is really good, what he is doing, running for a cause and for healthy reason. He gets to excercise and he gets to help out.
Pooja Kawatra
I think when you are running for a cause it gives a wonderful feeling and some kind of satisfaction to help and cheer people.
I love to see someone using their gifts for the greater good. Now, if only I knew what my true gift was.
Yvonne Bertoldo
I saw this on the new the other night and this is totally a great move from the pastor. Doing what you love to do and at the same time wanting to help a lot of people is such a great thing that the Pastor planned. Good luck and Happy Birthday to him! 🙂
Tiffany Yong W.T. (tiffanyyongwt)
Running for those who can’t. This is an interesting concept because I often believe there’s only this much a person can do for another
May De Jesus-Palacpac
He says it in the context of the scholars of Real Life Foundation who can’t access good education because of poverty and for people like his son, who are disabled by a condition or illness. To let them know that there are people like him willing to go beyond their calls of duty to help, to encourage, to pray and to give hope. Ultimately, it’s the love of Christ that he wants to impart to those in need. 🙂
Deshawn Keiner
what an awesome guy!! We need more people like this in the world. I love when people are doing something for the greater good and to help people. This story is amazing and I will share it.
As a Pastor myself, I believe God will provide for all the needs of this minister. I’ll share this post to my brethren in Christ so we can be part of this wonderful event.
I wish I could run that much. I am a very lazy person.
-Fatemah. Sajwani
Always good to read about people who have noble advocacies. This man turns his passion for running to an advocacy to help the less fortunate. We could all do this.
Franc Ramon
This is a tough task but I’m sure it would be worth every stride as he’ll be raising funds for those who need them. This one is really inspiring.
Danessa Foo
Wow, this running Pastor is such an inspiration! He’s really an agent of God’s message of love and grace 😀
Anne V
Wow, I admire Ferdie Cabili’s determination, passion and dedication! The running Pastor is truly an inspiration!
Karen of MrsLookingGood
All the best to Ferdie and hopefully he accomplishes all his objectives in this run. May this fuel him to make other similar projects or encourage other runners to run for his cause.
Wow! This is a great cause he is running for! Kudos to him, and I hope it’s a huge success!
Lucy Mills
That’s so cool, what an inspiration! Pick a cause you can feel committed to! We should be thankful for everyone who does!